Assessment Only Service
Are you an experienced health coach looking to get Health Coaches Australia New Zealand Association (HCANZA) Certification for professional Membership?
Welcome to our Assessment-Only Service designed specifically for Health Coaches seeking to gain certification and professional membership with the national professional body - Health Coaches Australia New Zealand Association (HCANZA).
Our Assessment-Only Service offers a streamlined pathway for individuals who possess prior knowledge, skills, and experience in health coaching to validate their competencies against the established standards set by HCANZA.
What is involved?
We have partnered with HCANZA to offer a process that will -
assess your competency against the HCANZA Coaching Competencies
provide recommendations for skills gaps, if any are identified
provide a Certificate of Assessment for HCANZA certification
How do I get started?
You can get started by purchasing our Assessment only service below. We will be in contact