Health Coach Specialist Training
Module 3
Module 3 looks at :
- Readiness to Change - The Transtheoretical Model for Stages of Change
- How to assess readiness to change : the role of Importance and Confidence
- Supporting clients in different stages of change : Tailoring strategies and communication
eMODULE 3 overview
The eModule trainings cover:
3.1 The Stages of Change
3.2 Assessing Readiness to Change
3.3 Tailoring Communication & strategies
The eModules conversations discuss:
Understanding stages of change
How do we assess readiness to change
Pre-contemplation stage
Contemplation stage
Preparation stage
Action stage
Maintenance stage
Relapse stage
E-Module 3 Content
The videos below include your eModule trainings and eModule conversations

All materials have been produced by Accredited Health Coaching Australia and subject to copyright.
Materials may not be copied, duplicated or shared without express prior consent from Accredited Health Coaching Australia.